Showing 1–16 of 30 results

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Abalone dried

Dried abalone is a premium product with a very high value in the culinary industry, they are dried while they are alive. Very high value in precious categories. They are perfect for all body toning purposes, and they taste great when prepared with compatible products to enjoy.

Cuttlefish in the sun

Cuttlefish is a very thick and delicious squid, fishermen catch them then clean their organs and dry them for food reserve. but they are a very delicious specialty.

Frozen cleaning squid

Squid is delicious, very sweet, suitable for baking or steaming coconut water, very fragrant. At restaurants or tourist places, they can easily prepare high quality dishes and suit each needs of different diners.


Frozen cleaning squid

Single-sun-cleaning squid This squid is selected for the freshest squid to split, clean, then freeze, pack for customers. at a relative price for easy access by consumers. Especially this dish grilled or fried with fish sauce is very wonderful. The easy-to-reach markets are upscale restaurants and street vendors. Passionate and love to use, our company has been supplying this ink almost strongly to the domestic market, with new factory prices, there is great competition. This sunny squid makes delicious rustic food. Therefore, the excitement of the guests is great. and very strong consumption in the domestic market. Especially visitors love to eat and use this type.

Imported babylonia

Babylonia is imported from abroad. with a very large number to serve diners

Imported Bulot snails

Bulot snails include sizes They are imp orted from the sauce, the quality is very delicious and sweet,


Japanese red Tako

Japanese red octopus is a high quality octopus, very special chewy tassel, they are steamed completely by high technology, so the flesh is very fragrant, the restaurant diners love


Japanese scads

Japanese scads come in many different sizes They are scientifically caught, so the quality of the fish is excellent High nutrition This grilled fish is delicious

Live blue crabs are swimming

Crab is a type of seafood that is always rich in nutrients, is a very delicious seafood and is popular in the seafood village. Everyone in every family likes them, But I like a lot and a lot.

Live squid

Live squid is squid caught offshore, after being caught from the sea, fishermen put it in cold storage, freeze quickly at winter time, then the squid lives, because it is frozen so the squid is forced to die, hence the quality. Squid always keeps its deliciousness. The quality has not changed significantly, so the squid is still fresh and juicy.

Mackerel of all kinds

They are very popular food on the market, because they can be used in any environment. You can pack them with banana leaves or fried, or ketchup. Mackerel is a favorite fish of many chefs, not only at home and abroad. This mackerel is perfect for any family meal. they love it! Processing many rustic dishes.

Natural sea crayfish.

Wild crayfish that live in the wild cannot be stocked. Our meat is delicious and very sweet. They are caught and shelled on board, some with bricks or eggs are great. We have lots of them. there are always goods to serve customers. Please contact us for the best price